About Us

Journal of
International Business and
Published Jointly by
Institute for Industrial Policy Studies (IPS), Korea
Business School, Beijing Normal University, China
The Journal of International Business and Economy (JIBE) (ISSN: 1527-8603) seeks to publish high-quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to business, trade and commerce, and economics for scholars of all disciplines, particularly with a global perspective. We receive manuscripts with a diverse mix of topics, framings, and methods, and our acceptances reflect this diversity.
More specifically, JIBE seeks to publish papers that ask and help to answer important and interesting questions in international business and economy, develop and/or test theory, improve on prior studies, explore interesting phenomena, review and synthesize existing research, and evaluate many methodologies used in this field. The mission of JIBE is to publish research that tests, extends, or builds business and economic theory and contributes to management practice.
JIBE welcomes a diverse range of research methods and is open to papers that rely on various angles and perspectives including case studies, statistical inference, qualitative data, verbal theory, computational models, mathematical models, or mixed methods.
Editorial Board
Hwy-Chang Moon, Ph.D.
President, aSSIST University
Professor Emeritus, Seoul National University
Patrick Messerlin, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus,
Sciences Po Paris
Jimmyn Parc, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
University of Malaya
Wenyan Yin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, aSSIST University
Stephen Ranger
Jasmin Hong
Hongbo Cai
Beijing Normal University
Lingyan Cao (lycao@math.umd.edu)
University of Maryland
Tailan Chi (chi@ku.edu)
University of Kansas
Dong-Sung Cho (dscho@snu.ac.kr)
Seoul National University
J. Jay Choi (jjchoi@astro.temple.edu)
Temple University
Cheng-Min Chuang (cmchuang@ncnu.edu.tw)
National Taiwan University
Lorraine Eden (leden@tamu.edu)
Texas A&M University
Byoung-Ho Jin (b_jin@uncg.edu)
The University of North Carolina
Vaneet Kaur (vkaur@kent.edu)
Kent State University
Erdener Kaynak (k9x@psu.edu)
The Pennsylvania State University
Suk H. Kim (kimsuk@udmercy.edu)
University of Detroit Mercy
Jung-Ho Kim (junghkim@hotmail.com)
Korea University
Maasaki Kotabe (mkotabe@sbm.temple.edu)
Temple University
Jiatao Li (mnjtli@ust.hk)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Sang Hoon Nam (snam@business.uvic.ca)
University of Victoria
Stephen J. Nicholas (stephen.nicholas@newcastle.edu.au)
Newcastle Business School
Yongsun Paik (yspaik@lmu.edu)
Loyola Marymount University
Young-Ryeol Park (yrpark@base.yonsei.ac.kr)
Yonsei University
Paul Robertson (p.robertson@adfa.edu.au)
University of Canberra
Thomas W. Roehl (tom.roehl@wwu.edu)
Western Washington University
Mariko Sakakibara (mariko.sakakibara@anderson.ucla.edu)
University of California, Los Angeles
Kelly Strong (kelly.strong@colostate.edu)
Colorado State University
Steven Tippins (stippins@uwlax.edu)
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse,
Adrian Tschoegl (tschoegl@wharton.upenn.edu)
University of Pennsylvania
Jorge A.V. Saldanha (javsa@terra.com.br)
Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
Sangcheol Song (ssong@sju.edu)
Saint Joseph's University
Feihu Zheng
Beijing Normal University
Jay S. Kang
The College of Business, San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Ave. San Francisco, CA 94132, USA
Tel. (415) 338-1754,6362/Fax. (415) 338-0596
E-mail: jkang@sfsu.edu